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PERSONNEL NEEDING COVID-19 RELIEF FUND The coronavirus pandemic is proving to be the most catastrophic issue ever, affecting most privately owned businesses as well as the creative community as a whole. With thousands of tours already canceled around the world, and an increasing number of tour and activity organizers in this time of unprecedented uncertainty, the future of Baliventur (Bali tour and activity organizer) is at risk due to the ongoing covid-19 pandemic, because the financial security and safety of the Baliventur team are shrouded in complete mystery.


We were unable to put any measures in place to cater for the financial needs of our personnel due to the unforeseen circumstances of Covid-19, as were many others in the tour and activity organizing services. As a result, it is clear that there is a significant lack of economic support for those in desperate need. Our goal in raising this money is to use it to help every member of the Baliventur team who has lost their job or has faced other financial challenges as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak.


The inability to put in place a security measures to cover the loss of income to the personnel and our service being handicapped during this period, resulting in serious financial hardship, because the industry operates in such a way that is unsuitable for tour personnel as they work without financial remuneration, are challenging issues requiring a donation. Touring crew members, unlike many other jobs, are unable to work from home to make up for lost wages while in quarantine.

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please assist Baliventur by clicking on the donation button below


We’ve got a lot of work ahead of us, and your donation has made it that much easier to get things done and thrust us forward. We thank you for your support and for your desire to help us succeed in this venture.

