Do you want to Climb Mount Batur 2022? Prepare It Now !
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Mount Batur is a tourist spot with charm, exoticism, and mountain magic. In addition, Mount Batur is famous for its various attractions and natural facts, which has long been a natural tourist attraction for every level of society. Its beauty attracts many outdoor tourists, climbers, and scientists. For those who want to travel to Mount Batur, let’s see what you must prepare before climbing Mount Batur.

According to the latest information, the trend of climbing Mount Batur has continued to increase in recent years. Almost all mountains are filled with climbers of all ages, educations, and professions every weekend and on other holidays. Especially among young millennials, the demand is relatively increasing. It makes us interested in discussing what you should prepare before climbing.

Check out another article from Baliventur to learn how to prepare before climbing. To know the practice before climbing.

Do you want to Climb Mount Batur? Prepare It Now!

Mount Batur
Mount Batur

Indeed, the hobby of climbing mountains can be very challenging and also exciting. Most climbers start their ascent with complete equipment. But unfortunately, not all climbers equip themselves well. Many people do not fully pay attention to science, preparation, and equipment before climbing.

So that not a few climbing activities end up taking lives, Starting from a sprained leg to a broken leg, a leaking head hitting a rock, falling into a ravine, and so on. And not a few also trigger death to disappear on the mountain without being found again. Therefore, know the ten preparations you must try before climbing Mount Batur.

1. Plan a Trip

ahead of time, so you have time to prepare. It can be used for exercise, for example, jogging, swimming, or gym. However, make sure if you feel your body is not fit a few days before the climb, get plenty of rest. If D-2 still doesn’t improve, it’s better to cancel joining the promotion. And also, get to know your traveling companions.

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2. Do your research and get as much news as you can

About the mountain, you will climb. Starting from access, area standing, current conditions, climbing terrain, weather, terms and applicable regulations, permits, how to register or book climbing, and others. You can search from books, magazines, newspapers, the internet (Web sites, blogs, social media, and the like), communities, or friends who have gone there before and contact the manager or existing basecamp contacts. Well, this info can provide additional images such as the Mount Batur tour package that will be your climbing destination.

3. Prepare Everything

Proof of self and travel certificate from the police or authorized officer, unless of a more fantastic nature, is required. Such as expeditions or research activities.

4. Always Get Used to Bringing Stationery

Serves to record essential things during the trip. Also, always leave a note or message to your family or closest people about the mountain you will climb.

5. Make an Estimate or Estimated Time

Calculate the allocation of costs required for climbing. You have to consider this carefully for the smooth running of your climbing activities. The first step is to make a checklist of the equipment to be brought and needed. After that, estimate the climb (in the context of research or making a film.) Then, make sure all appliances are working correctly, such as stoves, headlights, flashlights, etc. Then check and recheck Everything.

6. Bring a first aid kit and survival kit

Including personal medicine. Store in a good and conducive place. Also, add navigation tools or maximize the use of your smartphone.

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7. Prepare food

Preparing climbing supplies must consider this to bring good, healthy, nutritious protein, fiber, and high-calorie food for your daily needs during the hike. As much as possible, bring food that causes little waste. Make sure there is extra food and drink to anticipate bad weather or something happens that causes the climbing time to be delayed.

8. Complete Equipment

Make sure all your equipment, from kampung, and medicines, to sleeping equipment, is covered with waterproof material to protect them from getting wet due to rain or other impacts.

9. Make the Most of What You Bring Well

For example, items that can function. The goal is to lighten the load. Repacking or repackaging the food you brought. Also, get a bag to the store and return the trash you generate during the climbing activity.

10. Save and Organize That Way

all the equipment–goods, food, and drinks– is in a backpack neatly, so you can easily find it when you need it. There is still one last thing that you should not miss just before starting the climb. As soon as you arrive at the location you are going, immediately report to the manager or authorized officer. So, with careful preparation and good travel management, you will minimize the occurrence of things that are not desirable. Listen, don’t miss anything.

Thus the things that you must consider before climbing Mount Batur with the above review, we can understand how important it is if we prepare the ten things above to avoid things that we don’t want so much. Thank you.